Is December going to get you closer to, or further from, your goals?

The holiday season - read: party season - is upon us, and with it comes a sense of ‘winding down’…which often looks like putting our health and fitness goals on hold until the New Year. This blog is going to drag you out of the trap of wasting a whole MONTH of the year, and give you the push - and mindset switch - you need to use this time to take steps towards your healthiest, happiest future self.

The last thing I’m suggesting is starting a strict diet, or going from zero gym sessions to daily workouts…but these tips are going to give you the tools and motivation you need to seize all the opportunity you have this month for personal growth - in and outside of the gym or kitchen!

1) Think outside the box

‘Success’ in pursuing a healthier lifestyle is too often associated with specific outcome goals - losing a certain number of pounds, fitting into specific clothes, or even lifting a certain amount! It can be disheartening chasing these kinds of goals when there are countless interruptions and distractions around to de-rail your best intentions. Rather than setting yourself up to face these interruptions as ‘setbacks’, consider redirecting your focus to alternative areas of self-improvement.

What lifestyle changes might not be conventional goal markets, but contribute significantly to overall well-being? Might you…
- work on a bedtime routine to enhance sleep quality?
- stay hydrated to support optimal bodily functions?
- practice slow, mindful eating?
- make a point of getting outside, and also supplementing with Vitamin D?

All of these things can be implemented even whilst enjoying parties, occasions and festive food and drink. By embracing and celebrating these less conventional ‘process’ goals, you’ll be able to identify your successes, mitigate feelings of guilt and anxiety around nutrition and exercise at this time, and navigate the festive season with a more flexible and sustainable approach.

2) ‘Maintenance’ doesn’t mean ‘lack of progress’

Eating well and staying active should be about more than just numerical goals!

The word 'maintenance' might carry a negative connotation, suggesting a lack of forward momentum. However, maintaining current habits, body weight, or strength levels is, in fact, a positive accomplishment. Particularly if you’re  already committed to a fitness routine, the constant pursuit of progress—whether it be lifting more, losing weight, or improving fitness levels—can overshadow the importance of appreciating and enjoying the present state of your body and mind.

Can you shift the narrative to seeing maintenance as an achievement in and of itself? Can you use the month of December to recognise the value of consistency over perfection? Can you acknowledge the achievements you’ve already made?

Working on your nutrition, fitness and mindset is a long-term journey that encompasses enjoyment and appreciation for what your body and mind can currently achieve - which can and should include periods of maintenance. These maintenance periods can be the perfect time to…

3) Lay the foundations for success

The decision to start or continue working towards your goals in December is not just about being a step ahead come January; it's about laying the foundations for success in the long term. Every positive action taken now, whether big or small, contributes to building habits that will carry over into the new year.

Waiting until January to embark on your journey essentially puts you a month behind on establishing the habits and routines necessary for sustained success. By using December to initiate or reinforce positive behaviours, you set the stage for a smoother transition into the new year. Think of it as a head start that positions you leaps and bounds closer to achieving your goals.

4) What CAN you control?

This is one of my favourite reflective questions for managing any challenges at any time of year - so let’s look at how we can apply it now!

You might not be able to control what events you attend, or what food and drink will be at those events...but the majority of your meals and snacks will be within your control, if you WANT them to be.

You might have limited control over how MUCH time you have, between work and social commitments...but WHAT you do in that free time will be within your control, if you WANT it to be.

You won't have control over other peoples' behaviour and comments...but how you handle yourself and respond can be within your control if you WANT it to be.

By focusing on what you CAN control - and letting the rest go - you can make the MOST out of this final part of the year, just as you would for any other time of year.

Parting thoughts…

In conclusion, December is not a time to pause but an opportunity to gain momentum toward your goals. By thinking outside the box, redefining what progress looks like, and seizing opportunities for positive changes you CAN make, right now, you can transform this holiday season into a powerful catalyst for personal growth.

Don't wait for the calendar to flip to January—start now and make December the month that propels you toward the life you envision.

Thinking about hiring a coach in January?

Start RIGHT NOW with your first month HALF PRICE - get the ball rolling so you head into 2024 countless steps ahead and full of positive momentum!
I’ll help you…
- stay on track in between festivities
- develop a positive mindset towards food and exercise
- stay motivated and accountable throughout the month
- build sustainable habits that carry over into the New Year
- keep progressing towards your goals
- and more!

Find out all about my Bespoke 1:1 Coaching right here:

Simply fill out the application form and use code FIRSTMONTH50 at check-out - but there’s just ONE spot still available, and it’s expiring at MIDNIGHT Mon 27 Nov, so be quick!

PLUS Performance Macro Coaching offers are about to go LIVE (did someone say 4 months FREE?!) so get in touch to find out more or sign up to the newsletter at the bottom of this page if you want them delivered straight to your inbox.

Georgia Radley

Head Coach and Owner of Georgia Radley Nutrition
British Weightlifter
CrossFit Games Athlete

Georgia Radley

Head Coach and Owner of Georgia Radley Nutrition

CrossFit Games Athlete

British Weightlifter

BSc Physiotherapy

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